The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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459 lines
/* Copyright (c) 1989 Citadel */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* #ident "@(#)cbexp.c 1.4 - 90/06/20" */
/* ansi headers */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/*#include <stddef.h>*/
/*#include <string.h>*/
/* local headers */
#include "cbase_.h"
cbexp - cbase export functions
cbcmp, cbimp.
Pointer format is implementation defined; it could possibly
contain the field delimiter ('|') or escape ('\\\\') chars. If
so, the field delimiter or escape character will have to be
/* array data type export macro */
#define vexp(EXPFCT) { \
int i = 0; \
int nelems = n / sizeof(*cp); \
for (i = 0; i < nelems; ++i) { \
if (EXPFCT(fp, cp, sizeof(*cp)) == -1) return -1; \
if (fputc(EXPFLDDLM, fp) == EOF) return -1; \
++cp; \
} \
return 0; \
/* t_char -> use t_uchar export function */
#define charexp ucharexp
/* t_charv -> use t_ucharv export function */
#define charvexp ucharvexp
/* ucharexp: t_uchar export function */
static int ucharexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
unsigned char c = *(unsigned char *)p;
switch (c) {
case EXPFLDDLM: /* export file field delimiter */
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
if (fputc('F', fp) == EOF) return -1;
break; /* case EXPFLDDLM: */
case EXPESC: /* export file field escape character */
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
break; /* case EXPESC: */
#if __STDC__ == 1
case '\a': /* audible alert */
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
if (fputc('a', fp) == EOF) return -1;
break; /* case '\a': */
case '\b': /* backspace */
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
if (fputc('b', fp) == EOF) return -1;
break; /* case '\b': */
case '\f': /* form feed */
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
if (fputc('f', fp) == EOF) return -1;
break; /* case '\f': */
case '\n': /* newline */
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
if (fputc('n', fp) == EOF) return -1;
break; /* case '\n': */
case '\r': /* carriage return */
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
if (fputc('r', fp) == EOF) return -1;
break; /* case '\r': */
case '\t': /* horizontal tab */
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
if (fputc('t', fp) == EOF) return -1;
break; /* case '\t': */
case '\v': /* vertical tab */
if (fputc(EXPESC, fp) == EOF) return -1;
if (fputc('v', fp) == EOF) return -1;
break; /* case '\v': */
if (isprint(c)) {
if (fputc(c, fp) == EOF) return -1;
} else {
if (fprintf(fp, "%c%.3o", (int)EXPESC, (int)c) < 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
/* ucharvexp: t_ucharv export function */
static int ucharvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char *)p;
/* shortexp: t_short export function */
static int shortexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
signed short x = 0;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%hd", (int)x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* shortvexp: t_shortv export function */
static int shortvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
signed short *cp = (signed short *)p;
/* ushortexp: t_ushort export function */
static int ushortexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
unsigned short x = 0;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%hu", (unsigned int)x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* ushortvexp: t_ushortv export function */
static int ushortvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
unsigned short *cp = (unsigned short *)p;
/* intexp: t_int export function */
static int intexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
signed int x = 0;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%d", x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* intvexp: t_intv export function */
static int intvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
signed int *cp = (signed int *)p;
/* uintexp: t_uint export function */
static int uintexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
unsigned int x = 0;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%u", x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* uintvexp: t_uintv export function */
static int uintvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
unsigned int *cp = (unsigned int *)p;
/* longexp: t_long export function */
static int longexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
signed long x = 0;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%ld", x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* longvexp: t_longv export function */
static int longvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
signed long *cp = (signed long *)p;
/* ulongexp: t_ulong export function */
static int ulongexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
unsigned long x = 0;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%lu", x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* ulongvexp: t_ulongv export function */
static int ulongvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
unsigned long *cp = (unsigned long *)p;
/* floatexp: t_float export function */
static int floatexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
float x = 0;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%G", (double)x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* floatvexp: t_floatv export function */
static int floatvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
float *cp = (float *)p;
/* dblexp: t_double export function */
static int dblexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
double x = 0;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%G", x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* dblexp: t_double export function */
static int dblvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
double *cp = (double *)p;
/* ldblexp: t_ldouble export function */
static int ldblexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
long double x = 0;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%lG", x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
return 0;
/* ldblvexp: t_ldoublev export function */
static int ldblvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
long double *cp = (long double *)p;
return 0;
/* ptrexp: t_pointer export function */
static int ptrexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
void *x = NULL;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(x));
if (fprintf(fp, "%p", x) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* ptrvexp: t_pointerv export function */
static int ptrvexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
void **cp = (void **)p;
/* strexp: t_string export function */
static int strexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
char *s = (char *)p;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (s[i] == NUL) {
if (ucharexp(fp, &s[i], sizeof(*s)) == -1) {
return -1;
return 0;
/* t_cistring -> use t_string export function */
#define cistrexp strexp
/* binexp: t_binary export function */
static int binexp(fp, p, n)
FILE *fp;
const void *p;
size_t n;
/* calculate number of hex digits for each char
# bits in char == CHAR_BIT, # bits in hex digit == 4 */
const int hexdigits = (CHAR_BIT + (4 - 1)) / 4;
unsigned char *pi = (unsigned char *)p;
char fmt[24]; /* printf format string */
sprintf(fmt, "%%.%dX", hexdigits);
while (pi < ((unsigned char *)p + n)) {
if (fprintf(fp, fmt, (unsigned int)*pi++) < 0) return -1;
return 0;
/* export function table definition */
const cbexp_t cbexpv[] = {
charexp, /* t_char = 0 */
charvexp, /* t_charv = 1 */
ucharexp, /* t_uchar = 2 */
ucharvexp, /* t_ucharv = 3 */
shortexp, /* t_short = 4 */
shortvexp, /* t_shortv = 5 */
ushortexp, /* t_ushort = 6 */
ushortvexp, /* t_ushortv = 7 */
intexp, /* t_int = 8 */
intvexp, /* t_intv = 9 */
uintexp, /* t_uint = 10 */
uintvexp, /* t_uintv = 11 */
longexp, /* t_long = 12 */
longvexp, /* t_longv = 13 */
ulongexp, /* t_ulong = 14 */
ulongvexp, /* t_ulongv = 15 */
floatexp, /* t_float = 16 */
floatvexp, /* t_floatv = 17 */
dblexp, /* t_double = 18 */
dblvexp, /* t_doublev = 19 */
ldblexp, /* t_ldouble = 20 */
ldblvexp, /* t_ldoublev = 21 */
ptrexp, /* t_pointer = 22 */
ptrvexp, /* t_pointerv = 23 */
strexp, /* t_string = 24 */
cistrexp, /* t_cistring = 25 */
binexp /* t_binary = 26 */